Save Money With The Best Washer & Dryers In Austin

Austin’s Favorite Scratch and Dent Appliance Outlet Since 2015, is Now Offering Certified Refurbished Washers and Dryers at Huge Discounts!

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Certified Refurbished
Washers & Dryers

Austin’s Favorite Scratch and Dent Appliance Outlet since 2015 now offering Certified Refurbished washers and dryers!

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Features That Matter

Ideal Capacity

Our recommended washers have a minimum of 3.5 cu ft. This will handle most of life’s daily washing requirements. A queen size comforter is roughly 3.5 cu ft for reference.

HE High Efficiency

If you haven’t heard, HE machines are the way of the future and so are each of our recommendations. Cut those bills with HE appliances

Extra Water Option

Many HE Machines automate your water levels. That works great 75% of the time, but we recommend models with an extra water option. Sometimes those extra dirty clothes just need a little more water to get the proper clean. Every model we recommend includes an Extra Water Option or Deep Water Cycle.

Deep Cleaning Option

Many entry level washers do not have a heavy duty or deep cleaning cycle which can leave you under performing when it matters most. The extended soak and agitation period is essential for extra soiled clothes. Our recommended models include heavy duty cycles or deep cleaning options.

Large Load Cycle

With greater capacities come greater responsibilities. Large load cycles are important to keep loads balanced and performing correctly when leading bulky items. Every model we recommend include large or heavy load cycles.

Self Cleaning Cycles

Our recommended models have a self cleaning function or cycle. This is an absolute must. Believe it or not, washers get dirty.... very dirty. Using self cleaning cycles regularly accompanied by a self cleaning agent, like Affresh, can keep your washer sparkly clean.

Legacy Appliance Models

The Expert Choice

We focus our refurbishing process on the two leading platforms known for durability and features. Engineering designs vary by manufacturer and product line. Similar to cars, appliances typically are built on a standard platform that can host several different models and features. Whirlpool’s award winning VMW (Vertical Modular Washer) platform and GE’s GTW design.

Whirlpool’s Award Winning VMW Platform

VMW (Vertical Modulate Washer) Hosting over 10 different models whirlpool’s VMW platform stands high above other platforms for durability, features and so much more.

GE’s GTW Platform

Similar to whirlpool’s platform GE’s GTW Platform is known for larger capacities and durability.

Ideal Capacity

We recommend models with a minimum of 7 cu ft. Extra space in your dryer allows more airflow resulting in a more efficient performance and faster drying times.

Auto Dry

Auto Dry Cycles save electricity by detecting when your dryer’s contents are dry, cutting your needed dry time. This is a core essential feature that is included in our recommendations.

Timed Dry

For bulky or larger loads with items like towels or bedding, Timed Dry is essential. Auto Dry Cycles cannot detect the moisture that may still be present in the center of your bulky loads making Timed Dry a essential requirement for our recommendations.

Certified Refurbished

How it Works

Certified Refurbished

Upgraded Appliances

Washing Machine Upgrades

  • During our extensive refurbishing process we provide several key upgrades. Products can always be improved, even with these best in class models. We plug that gap with our refurbishing upgrades.

Whirlpool MVW Platform

  • Upgraded Hub
  • Upgraded Suspension
  • Upgraded Gear Case Friction Point

GE’s GTW Platform

  • Upgraded Suspension

Certified Refurbished


Neu Shield Protection

1 Year Warranty

We stand behind our products and our customers with our Neu Shield 1 year warranty. Our policies are built with customer service in mind including fix or replace options. Our In-House Neu technicians provide in-home appliance repair warranty service in the greater Austin area.

Life Happens, You are Covered.


Austin Loves It!

Certified Refurbished

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