Helpful Appliance Tips





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Refrigerators and Freezers

Wait 4 Hours To Plug In Your Refrigerator After Delivery

Refrigerators have oil and refrigerant in the same sealed system. When a refrigerator is moved sometimes the oil in the compressor can work its way up inside the lines. Leaving your refrigerator stationary for 4 hours gives the oil time to return back to the compressor. This is also why you should never lay a refrigerator down or on its side.

Double Check The Refrigerator Ice Maker Is Turned On

On most refrigerators there is a switch located on the ice maker or on a display to turn the ice maker on / off. If you choose not to use the ice maker turn it off here even if the water is turned off. If you want to use the ice maker make sure this switch stays on. Some refrigerators have an ice level bar that switches the ice maker off, move this to the off position if you do not want to use your ice maker.

Factory Settings

Single Evaporator Refrigerators:
Always, Always, Always leave your refrigerator on “Factory Settings”. A majority of refrigerators display near the controls what the “Factory Settings” is. If your refrigerator does not, set right the temperature to the middle setting if it is a analog dial. If your refrigerator is digital set to 0 degrees in the freezer and 32 in the refrigerator. With a single evaporator refrigerator, the evaporator coil that produces the cold air is generated in the freezer and sent to the refrigerator with a series of fans, vents or damper doors (openings). Changing the settings will adjust the cooling cycle duration and the ventilation openings. If your refrigerator and freezer are set too far apart (one low and one high), when the different temperature airs meet in the air passage way they will form condensation. That condensation will freeze and build up ice and eventually block air from pass through. Avoid this by setting your appliance to the factory settings.

Dual Evaporator Refrigerators:
You have a little more leniency on varying settings on the dual evaporator refrigerators. There typically aren't shared air passageways that are shared between the freezer or fridge to freeze over. However your refrigerator is designed to perform at the factory settings.

Clean The Condenser Coils

Condenser coils are the coils on the back or bottom of the refrigerator outside of the refrigerator. (Evaporator coils are located inside.) Refrigerators need clean condenser coils to expel heat properly. When these coils get dusty or dirty it makes it difficult for your refrigerator to cool properly. It will have to work harder for the same result or sometimes it can hinder the cooling ability of the fridge completely. Cleaning these coils yearly will help keep your refrigerator cooling properly. In most refrigerators the condenser coils are located towards the bottom on the back of the refrigerator. Unplug your refrigerator and simply vacuum or brush off the dirt or dust gently.

Purge Your Water System Before Use  

Dump the first batch of ice and dump 1 gallon of water through the refrigerator water dispenser before regular use. This will clean out your water lines.

We Recommend Purchasing A New Water Filter

Amazon is a great place to purchase water filters. Make sure to match the model number of your refrigerator to the water filter as filters vary between different models. If you want to purchase locally try our friends at Marcone Appliance Parts on Kramer Lane.

Never Plug A Refrigerator Or Freezer Into A GFI Plug

There is nothing worse than coming home to a warm fridge because of a tripped GFI outlet. GFI outlets work by monitoring the amount of current flowing from hot to neutral. If there is an imbalance, it trips the circuit. Many refrigerators can consume a small amount of electricity naturally which can cause these to trip. Never plug a freezer or a refrigerator into a GFI Outlet!

Don’t Block Ventilation

Inside of your Neu refrigerator there are ventilation pathways that let air travel between the refrigerator and freezer. Blocking these can hinder its ability to cool

Gas Stoves

Protect Those Displays And Motherboards!

When boiling liquids do so on the front burners not the rear burners. Liquid splashing or steam working its way to the mother board can cause a headache and is WAY more common than you think.

Avoid Using Self Cleaning Options!

Self-cleaning cycles are a great sales pitch but have subpar execution. Self-cleaning cycles heats up the oven to drastically high temperatures attempting to burn or melt off any debris on the side walls of the oven. In some cases the internal heat exceeds the insulation rating and this high temperature can damage control boards and digital sensors over time. A simple can of oven cleaner and 2 minutes of scrubbing with a sponge can ensure the oven will last.

Gas Burners Not Igniting?

First make sure you have the correct burner cap on the correct burner and it is seated correctly. On electronic ignition stoves sometimes grease or boiled over liquid can build up on the electric spark ignitors or on the burner cap themselves. The ignition spark is caused by an arc of electricity from the spark node to the burner cap. If either is dirty or unaligned it won't produce a spark. Unplug your stove and take a damp cloth and wipe off the ignitor gently. This solves a lot of ignitor maintenance issues we have run into and is extremely simple.

Do Not Use Broiler Drawers For Storage!

If your range has a broiler at the bottom of the stove do not use it for storage.

Electric Stoves

Protect Those Displays / Motherboards!

When boiling liquids do so on the front burners not the rear burners. Liquid splashing or steam working its way to the mother board can cause a headache and is WAY more common than you think.

Avoid Using Self Cleaning Options!

Self-cleaning cycles are a great sales pitch but have subpar execution. Self-cleaning cycles heats up the oven to drastically high temperatures attempting to burn or melt off any debris on the side walls of the oven. In some cases the internal heat exceeds the insulation rating and this high temperature can damage control boards and digital sensors over time. A simple can of oven cleaner and 2 minutes of scrubbing with a sponge can ensure the oven will last.

Burner Pans are Dishwasher Safe

Make sure 1) the range is off or unplugged 2) the elements are not hot. If you are uninstalling and reinstalling the burner coils ensure they are properly seated in the connectors. A loose connection can cause the burner to not work properly or cause damage.

Washing Machines

A Balanced Washer Is A Happy Washer

Load your clothes evenly. A lopsided load will throw your machine off balance and cause a headache over time wearing out suspension springs and other lovely things you don't want to deal with.

Don’t Over Load Your Washing Machine

When loading your washing machine make sure you are not over filling it. Over filling the washer puts extra strain on the machine and cause damage.

Do Not Leave The House While A Washer Is Running

Always be present when a washer is running and supervise the first load of laundry. Look for any leaks from the water lines or drain hose.

Leave The Door Cracked On Frontload Washers

This will help the moisture evaporate and leave the drum. Frontload washers are similar to a sealed mason jar, If you leave the door closed it can cause moisture to build up inside. Leaving the door cracked between wash cycles will let all the moisture leave.

Clean Your Washer

Grocery stores and big box stores sell these magical tablets called “Affresh” that clean your washer. They remove excess soap scum that builds up inside of your washer. You can make your own remedy as well with bleach. A quick google search can pull this information up.

Fabric Softener

It makes your clothes nice and soft however there is always two sides to a story. Fabric softener is very similar to wax. Using too much fabric softener can build up inside of the drum of your washer. Forming a wax like layer that attracts soap and gunk to stick to it. Cleaning your washer regularly with afresh can cut down on this but the only way to solve this completely is to avoid using fabric softener altogether.

Use Less Soap
Soap buildup inside of washing machines is so common that its almost on the level of being a conspiracy! You generally do not need as much soap as the label on the bottle tells you BUT definitely don't go over it! Soap scum can build up inside of your washer which will attract dirt and debris making your washing machine stink. Don't listen to the people trying to sell you more soap..... on how much soap to use. We see it every day, trust us .....Use Less Soap.

Use The Dispenser
If your washing machine has a Soap Dispenser please use it. Soap dispensers generally work by diluting the soap before dispensing into the machine which is a pretty important step to skip. If you have soap spots on your clothes its usually from that.

Use The Right Soap
If your washing machine is a HE (High Efficiency) Machine use HE SOAP! HE soap is more condensed than standard soap and is designed to match the water usage from your machines. Do not use regular soap on a HE machine.

Electric and Gas Dryers

Dryers Are Simple Machines

Dryers heat up and blow hot air. Dryers work by blowing hot humid air out of the machine. If a dryer cannot get the hot air out of the machine it cannot do its job. Similar to putting your clothes in an oven..... Yes it will dry but...…. A ventilation restriction is the number one cause of a dryer not working properly.

Clean Your Ventilation Regularly

The dryer ventilation tube and the ventilation in your house can become periodically clogged. Uninstalling and cleaning your dryer vent tube twice a year will help cut down on this. If you need a professional to clean your house’s ventilation in the wall, we like to refer customers to our friends at Fireman Dryerman at 512-731-5299.

Dryers May Smell On First Hot Cycle

Typically, there is a small amount of lint left in the blower housing that may blow through causing a hot smell. This is common. Supervising the first cycle is a great way to see if the ventilation is clear.

Difference Between Timed And Automatic Dry

Timed dry is a simple cycle that does not use moisture sensors or inputs from the dryer. Just a simple heat and blow hot air for X amount of time cycle. Automatic cycles or auto dry is a great way to save electricity. These cycles use input from a humidity sensor that decreases the cycle duration as the clothes dry. Shutting off the dryer when the clothes are dry saves you electricity and potential damage to delicate clothes by not running the unnecessary extra time. We generally recommend to used timed dry for bulky loads like sheets and comforters (they may be damp in the middle and dry on the outside) and automatic dry cycles for everything else.

Clean The Filter After Every Load

A Dirty lint filter restricts airflow through the dryer. Cleaning your lint filter after every load helps your dryer breathe and do a better job at drying your clothes.

Dryer Sheets

The arch nemesis of dryers. Dryer sheets can get sucked through ventilation and cause all sorts of mayhem inside of your machine. “Dryer Bars” are a great alternative.

Changing Electric Dryer Cords

Do not replace your dryer if the cord doesn’t match the outlet. Changing cords on a dryer is a very common thing. There are two types of electric dryer cords 3 and 4 prong cord.

We sell both cords and can show you how to install them along with the instructions that come with the cord. Don’t be a stranger!

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